A message to alumni, donors, and friends:
The MSU Billings Foundation staff is doing what we can to combat the transmission of COVID-19 in our community. We are deferring to the protocol outlined by the CDC, State Department, and the Montana University System to prevent the spread of this infection to our alumni, donors, and friends.
At this time, there have been no confirmed cases of COVID-19 among MSU Billings or MSUB Foundation staff, but we are taking precautionary measures. This includes practicing social distancing recommendations, which requires us to consider upcoming meetings, events, and functions seriously.
Office Closure
After a great deal of thought, we have decided to close our office to outside visitors for the time being. This measure protects our staff and our guests, but we do not anticipate any interruption to the services we provide. Staff will continue to work diligently to respond to your needs on-site and remotely and are accessible by phone and email during this brief closure.
Events Postponed
We have also chosen to postpone several upcoming meetings and events as part of these preventative measures. These include:
- Wine & Food Festival Pre-event: Wine vs. Beer Dinner | March 23
- Alumni Powwow Breakfast and Fashion Show | April 4
- Dual Enrollment Luncheon | April 15
- Outstanding Alumni Awards Pint Night | April 15
Tickets to the Wine vs. Beer Dinner are still available on our online store. Confirmed guests are being notified, and we look forward to announcing new dates for these exciting events as soon as possible. We will assess the need for additional changes to scheduled functions on an ongoing basis.
We sincerely apologize for any inconvenience these changes may cause you. The health and safety of our supporters are our primary concern.
COVID-19 Central
Montana State University Billings has set up a central communications resource for information about how the university responds to COVID-19. Please visit their website for updates.
We understand that these are stressful and uncertain times. We are proud to be part of a university and community that comes together to support one another in the face of adversity. Please join us in wishing students, staff, faculty, alumni, friends, and family well worldwide.
If you have any questions or concerns as we proceed with these changes, please don’t hesitate to contact Bill Kennedy, president & CEO.
The MSU Billings Foundation Staff