Alumni license plate set to expire

The Alumni Association’s license plate, along with 84 other specialty license plates in Montana, faces being revoked due to having less than 400 active registrations. We needed 248 more vehicles to sport the plate by July 1 in order to save it. That’s why we asked you – our alumni – if you would help us in a recent survey. Through this process, we learned that we do not have enough interest to save the plate.

  • 22 alumni already have the plate and plan to renew it.
  • 21 alumni do not plan to purchase the plate.
  • 13 alumni plan to purchase the plate before July 1.
  • 1 alumnus/a has the plate and does not plan to renew it.

We are disappointed to see the plate go away, but there are other ways graduates can give back to their alma mater. Here are some options to consider.

Would you rather give time than money? We’ve got you covered there, too! Email us or call 406-247-5781, and we’ll find a way for you to stay involved in a way that matters the most to you.