Yellowjacket Newsletter

Welcome to the first issue of Yellowjacket Alumni News! As an MSUB Alumni Association Board member, I am pleased to introduce alumni readers to this new digital publication and, hopefully, to bi-monthly issues in the future.

In our first e-newsletter, we have breaking news announcing that Montana-born (Dillon) educator Stefani Hicswa, Ph.D., has been appointed to the MSUB chancellor position. Join us in congratulating and welcoming Stefani to our alma mater in her new role.

Seeking board volunteers

This is my second go-around being a board member of the alumni association— 20 or 30 years between volunteer terms. Why do I serve on the board? Because EMC/MSUB gave me a wonderful education that prepared me for a lifetime profession. Other graduates give their time to support and praise this outstanding university in Billings, Montana. I want to do my part, too!

The present board member gives their time to support the institution that we love in any way we can and works closely with the MSUB Foundation. We are a winning team!

Speaking of board members, we are always looking for new volunteers to serve with us. You do not have to live in Billings or its surrounding area to be a member. With modern technology, you can live anywhere globally and still contribute to the MSUB Alumni Association and the university.

Alumni Association membership

Would you please let me invite you to become a member of your alumni association, which can be important for the good of MSUB? A strong membership is a must to support the university’s mission. One has only to observe the influence of the movers and shakers in the MSU and UM Alumni Associations to know how important alumni engagement is. Won’t you consider joining your MSUB Alumni Association? Click here to contact us for more information. 

There are some great ways you can show that you are proud to be a graduate of EMC/MSUB:

  1. Sponsor a student scholarship. You may remember when you were awarded a scholarship and what a lift was toward obtaining your degree. Plus, you can contribute toward a scholarship with the different schools or studies offered by the university.
  2. Support MSUB athletic events. Show current Yellowjackets that alumni are their biggest fans by cheering student-athletes on at games.
  3. Attend a lecture on campus. The distinguished professors at MSUB offer many lectures every year on many interesting topics alumni can enjoy. 
  4. Encourage others to support MSUB. As members of your business communities, you can support MSUB financially and politically with your influence. 
  5. Purchase alumni gear. Throwback EMC clothing is available through the alumni clothing line, too.
  6. Celebrate your Golden Graduation. When you reach the 50-plus year milestone since you completed your degree, you can join the Golden Graduates for a reunion celebration during commencement.
Noteworthy news

Let me also call your attention to one of the MSUB Alumni Association’s main celebrations each year — the Outstanding Alumni Awards. These awards are highly honorable and commemorated during a prestigious event that recognizes winners. These graduates have set themselves apart from the rest by making outstanding contributions to their fields, communities, and alma mater. Over 200 alumni have been honored since the program was launched. It is a great way to keep alumni connected to our university, but also for the university to stay connected with graduates via the alumni association.

Finally, as this is our first issue of the digital Yellowjacket Alumni News, we are open to hearing what information you would like us to cover to capture your interest. Please feel free to submit an article or telephone us with your comments and ideas!

Go Yellowjackets!

Lloyd D Mickelson, Board Member
MSUB Alumni Association