Raise Your Bid Card

Another year is beginning at MSU Billings, but with a different twist. Our spring fundraiser, the May Wine & Food Festival event, was postponed and recheduled for Oct. 9-10 due to the coronavirus pandemic. We have been working with the health department, and the steering committee decided to cancel the event. We will still have a safe Wine & Food Festival in 2021!

How does canceling the Wine & Food Festival for this school year impact our students? At the 2019 festival, the scholarship lot auction raised
$180,000 for student scholarships. This cancelation left us without obtaining matching dollars of $125,000 from the state of Montana, which would provide 250 of our students with a $1,000 scholarship. We need your help! We have
kicked off the “Raise Your Bid Card Campaign” to raise $180,000 to put toward scholarships for the 2020-21 school year. We have already raised
$95,000 and are asking for your help to raise the rest.

COVID-19 has affected our students – not just in how classes are being delivered, but also employment opportunities that help pay their tuition. Some students now have to make the difficult decision to stay out a year or continue
their education and ask for our help.

Please help our students and contribute to this important scholarship drive.
Thank you for your loyal support for the Wine & Food Festival and MSU Billings students.