The last year has prompted reflection on the road taken and what lies around the next bend. Each memory is buoyed by a profound gratitude for the people who have helped chart this course.
As we take a stroll down memory lane, checking out the sights and sounds of the past 28 years of the MSU Billings Foundation’s Wine & Food Festival, I marvel at the fantastic experiences along the way. Who would have thought that a wine festival in Billings, Mont., would turn out to be one of the premier events in our region? Who could have imagined that domestic and international winemakers, gourmet chefs, and industry experts would travel halfway around the globe to share their wealth of knowledge with our guests? Sometimes, it’s hard to fathom.
As a Foundation staffer, I have witnessed our mission in action. On behalf of the many students you have touched through your kindness – I thank you. The Wine & Food Festival has enabled worthy scholars to access higher education at MSU Billings. Your support changes their lives and ultimately changes our community, state, and the world for the better.
Your dedication has raised over $6.5 million (net) and engaged thousands of friends with our university. What a breathtaking experience it has been. Hang on, friends – we’ve only just begun!
The journey continues Saturday, Sept. 25, at the MetraPark Montana Pavilion. I hope to see you there.